What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment with openness, curiosity and without judgement.

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Grounded in Science

Watch Associate Professor Dr Craig Hassed from Monash University talk through the scientific benefits behind mindfulness


Start practicing mindfulness today to…


Reduce worries, anxiety and distress1,2

Create a sense of calm3

Learn how to relax and regulate emotions4,5

Improve concentration and increased productivity6,7

Develop a sense of empathy and connectedness8

Enjoy better health and sleep9


Did you know there are two ways you can practice mindfulness?


Formal Mindfulness

Formal practice is mindfulness meditation where you sit, usually with the eyes closed, and focus attention on one thing, usually either your breathing or the sensations experienced within your body.


Informal Mindfulness

With informal practice you bring the same kind of improved attention that you might get from formal practice to everyday situations. This involves directing your full and non-judgemental attention to the activity you’re undertaking at a particular moment – it might be washing the dishes, brushing your teeth, chatting with a friend or studying.


How to meditate

Want to know more about what meditation actually requires? Many people think that because they find it hard to focus, they won't be able to meditate. Find out more about why is this such a popular misnomer and how you can get started!


Try for yourself.

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