Supporting businesses while they’re doing it tough

CommBank and Smiling Mind are supporting Australians to navigate the challenges of running 
a business in the current climate of economic uncertainty.

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Help your business brain thrive

Research shows more than half of Australian small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are feeling the stress of navigating the cost-of-living crisis, with 52% of business owners and senior managers reporting their mental health had been impacted in the last 12 months by the economic climate. Alarmingly, only 12% of those affected have sought support.1

Business owners, leaders and employees can freely access a new collection in the Smiling Mind App, designed specifically to build mental fitness and support people to thrive at work. This proactive resource, available 24/7, provides practical support and guided strategies to promote mental fitness and navigate challenges.


‘Business Mental Fitness’ App Collection

Our work lives can be both rewarding and challenging. Building mental fitness skills supports you to thrive in business and manage the stress and challenges that arise along the way.

Curated by psychologists and health promotion experts and aligned to our evidence-based mental fitness framework, this collection provides a versatile toolkit to counter the stress and uncertainty businesses  are currently experiencing.

Try this guided meditation to manage stress now!


Content created by psychologists, with businesses’ needs in mind

Access the Business Mental Fitness collection in the free Smiling Mind App. If you’re one of the millions of people who currently use the app, simply open it to get started.

If you haven’t used the app before, download it via the links below. 

Once you’re signed in, you can locate the collection via the ‘Explore’ feature. Simply search for ‘Business Mental Fitness’ or select ‘Workplace’ as your context. 

Download the Smiling Mind App



  1. YouGov, August 2024. About YouGov research - All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov and commissioned by CommBank. Total sample size was 510 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 1st - 7th August 2024. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all Australian small and medium business owners and decision makers (aged 18+).